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First Look - MG Deepstriker

Ok, I admit I have not been buying Gundams for a long time because all releases so far do not interest me. Until this bugger came along that is. The younger generation may not appreciate this monstrosity. But for older folks like me, this is like my wildest dreams coming through. I like the way Gundams are designed in Gundam Sentinel. And while many started with Wing and Seed series, I started with Sentinel.

My earlier works from Sentinel.

MG EX-S Gundam (Test Type)

MG FAZZ (Sentinel Version)

Previously, when people talk about Deepstriker, it has to be its infamous counterpart, TiefSturmer. That was the closer we can get to a DS ( and paying a premium for it in the process). This version was different from the original version in terms of design. But it is still darn impressive!

Alright, back to the present topic.

Well, needless to day, I got this on the first day of it's release in Singapore, thanks to Hobby Art Gallery no doubt.

I start assembling a day later and it took me just under 7 hours over over 3 days to finish it. Could have been faster if I did not stop to ogle and take photos every few minutes! LOL.

Massive Box

Chromed parts

And yes, polycaps are still very much in use

Base is the standard MG EX-S stock with some additionals to supports those propellant tanks

Shoulders with the slide-out function. In the past, we used to cut them apart to achieve this.

That's really a long gun, over 52 cm in length. Going to create a problems for those who wants to display theirs. I don't have that issue apparently LOL.

Size comparisons with a PG Strike

Overall, I feel that this kit is worth the price. It is not that expensive to begin with. It's relatively easy to assemble. Virtually no complicated instructions. The only downside is it's sheer size may turn people (and spouses) off. But that's what the DS is about. Pure Monstrosity.

I also find the lack of water slide decals disturbing. It's all foil and normal stickers. Knowing Bandai, I suspect they will be releasing separate decals pretty soon.

Bandai has also been really faithful to the designs of old. And so inevitably, it looks a little wee bit "dated". Not an issue for me though. LOL.

This is still THE kit I will get because it's one of my first loves when I started Gunpla. And I know it can reignite my fire again.

Next stop, modification!

Stay tuned for updates!

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