Tetsujin Indonesia 2017
After the success of Tetsujin Singapore this year, Hobby Art Gallery (HAG) was invited to have it at Indonesia. But as they have limited resources and this being their first year and all, they were pretty hesitant at first. But in the end they believe in the brand and went ahead with it.
Before I go further, let me reiterate what the Tetsujin Competition is all about. First and foremost, Joyce (Boss of Hobby Art Gallery) has reiterate this on numerous occasions, it is not an event to generate profit. It's main purpose is to create awareness and spread the love for this hobby. At the same time, to maintain and improve our local standards. Well, to me, it's a competition for modelers by? Yes! Modelers...

I understand there is GBWC but I feel that a local competition can help boost the local standards and interest greatly. While GBWC looks at styles and creativity, we think that the fundamentals are equally important. I feel that a lot of people these days want to do for outrageous modifications but neglect basics.
So I see entries with crazy mods but poor in painting, decals and even seam lines! I mean why put so much effort just to be crippled by schoolboy's mistakes? Definitely not worth it! So in Tetsujin, you can talk about big builds, superb styles as well. But show us these are built on sound fundamentals first.
Alright, now back to Tetsujin Indonesia 2017. In terms of categories, it is slightly different compared to Tetsujin Singapore. We have six categories, namely, Straight Build, Repaint, Customization, Sci-Fi, Military and Automotive.

I was at the event as Judge /representative for Tetsujin Singapore along with Sam Lim (HAW Boss) and of course Eday from Hong Kong. From Indonesia, we had Daniel Ronald from Parkz Artworks and Robby Umbra of Whitebase Hobby Shop. Both were the local organizers for the event.
You can imagine my surprise when I saw banners as we reached the venue. I was pleasantly to see good support from the mall. It was really nice to see that.

Well for me personally, this event gives me a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Indonesia has a huge gunpla community. And the folks there are so passionate, respectful and oh so friendly! Here are some random photos at the event.
For more information on the event, you can click on this link.
There is a long list of people I want to thank but I think I keep this short. Just want to thank everyone who helped out in the event. I also want to thank the local organizers as well. Daniel Ronald from Parkz Artworks and Robby Umbra from Whitebase Hobby Shop. And Jimmy Yu Yin Fai for the fantastic support! You all rock!
Now it's back to planning Tetsujin Singapore 2018. More details coming soon!
The post on Tetsujin Singapore 2017 which happened early this year.