DC23 vs Toymaker 2020 - FAZZ

When the two of us meet, sparks almost always certainly fly.
I have known Don for over 10 years. I remembered the day he came into the scene with much fanfare. GBWC champ, big following and everything in such a short span of time. It made me wondered who the heck was this unknown bogey and boy, was he noisy. He was literally everywhere. Hustling and churning out work after work.

When I finally got to know him better, I realized he was a really pleasant person. Being famous has its drawbacks though. You get more haters. And Don is no exception. They drain a lot of your energy and time you can spend on model kits. But I guess that is part and parcel of being a known figure in this circle, or any circle for that matter.
Anyway, we hit off right from the start. And before long, I made that trip to the Philippines to meet up and it was a greatest bash I ever experienced. Lots of chaps came to the meet up and frankly, I was overwhelmed!
These people are fun and their passion for this hobby is undeniable. I'm just wondering how all of them are doing right now. Some probably moved on, some may still be in this hobby. I wish them all the best from the bottom of my heart. These are good memories and best part of my journey as a modeler.
Sorry if you have to hear my bedtime stories, but I just to reminiscing the good ole times!

Well back to the main topic. Yes, the build off.
10 years ago, Don and I face off with MG The-O and this year, we decided to renew that rivalry. Both of us came off from a long hiatus and needed something to get back into the game. As both of us decided not to join GBWC, a build-off was in order.
So we decided on a recent release, Ver Ka FAZZ. I am getting excited over it now. The FAZZ has always been a personal favorite of mine and I can't wait to work on it.
I actually did one with the old MG FAZZ years ago. It was a cumbersome and demanding kit. I did some heavy modifications on it and learnt a lot in the process. Hopefully, I can surpass it with my upcoming build. Shouldn't be hard since my last one was crude and I was less skilled. Not to sure I am more skilled now but lol, gotta give it a shot anyway.
Version Ka. FAZZ 2020 release

I'm so glad that Bandai finally decided to release an updated version and I was not disappointed. Lots of changes and assembly is less of a pain in the ass now. A few new gimmicks. But what impresses me most is the quality of the build and how sharp and crisp the parts are now. Definitely worth the 12,100 yen price tag.
A few features I want to highlight are:-
1. Updated design on the head. Elongated, very elegant.
2. Missile Pods. Open/close hatches, well designed and better placement/separation.
3. Upper Torso. Armor separation is good and is much slimmer than it's predecessor.
Here's a 360 degree view of the assembled kit.
In my opinion, this kit went through a major overhaul. Despite the major changes, it doesn't really deviates much from the original design. It has a more updated design now and being part of the Version Ka line, it lives up to its name.
In fact, even without its armors, it still looks bad ass! There is this sort of a elegance in it. Just too awesome.
Alright! That's the first post of my FAZZ build off with Don!
Next post, I will talk more about how I am going to approach this build. More about my concepts and also my inspirations.
Till then!